A Different Kind of Life.

It starts with a Foundation

A structure that is built on a solid foundation is built to last. The same can be said about building a life. In a fast-paced culture of acquisition and achievement, society points to many unsteady foundations – money, notoriety, fitness, etc. – but Jesus is the only foundation that can bear the weight of life.

It would have been enough for Jesus to die for our sins, but he didn’t stop there. He showed us a better way to live. He tells us that his yoke is easy and his burden is light. These aren’t just nice words in an ancient book, but a very real and practical message for our lives today. We can ease the burden of this modern life by learning from Jesus and following His practices.

Rule of Life

A Rule of Life is a set of rules and practices for following Jesus. They are not rules in the traditional sense – this is not a list of dos and don’ts. Rather, they are more like a ruler. In an architect’s hands, a ruler is used to draw straight lines to precise measurements. These lines are then drawn together to form a blueprint. A Rule of Life is a blueprint for building our lives on Jesus Christ, and aligning the rhythms of our lives with Him.

Our Communal Rule of Life

The Rule of Life concept is not original to Foundation Church. We learned about this idea through the teachings of John Mark Comer and Practicing the Way. Using their rule of life as a template, we have developed our own communal rule of life – much of which matches theirs verbatim, but with a few changes to better fit the heart of Foundation Church.

At Foundation Church, we strive to be…

  1. A community of rest in a culture of hurry and exhaustion through the practice of sabbath.
  2. A community of peace and quiet in a culture of anxiety and noise through the practice of solitude.
  3. A community of connection with God in a culture of distraction and escapism through the practice of prayer.
  4. A community of love and deep work in a culture of individualism and superficiality through the practice of community.
  5. A community of courageous fidelity and orthodoxy in a culture of ideological compromise through the practice of scripture.
  6. A community of holiness in a culture of indulgence and immorality through the practice of fasting.
  7. A community of contentment in a culture of consumerism through the practice of generosity.
  8. A community of justice, mercy, and reconciliation in a culture of self-interest and division through the practice of service.
  9. A community of hospitality in a culture of hostility through the practice of witness.
  10. A community of dignity in a culture of accusation and shame through the practice of vulnerability.